[LINK] Submissions on role of NBN

Tom Worthington tom.worthington at tomw.net.au
Sat Feb 26 09:56:37 AEDT 2011

I wrote to the Link List 23 December 2010 (was: "Broadband for a Broad 
> A parliamentary inquiry into the NBN has invited submissions ... I
> suggest submissions from ACS, ISOC-AU and similar bodies, proposing 
> government programs and investment to ensure the NBN provides
> benefits ...

There are 47 submissions (including my own) to the "Inquiry into the
role and potential of the National Broadband Network" on the House
Standing Committee on Infrastructure and Communications web site:

Some which got my attention were:

     * Infrastructure Australia (PDF 566KB)
     * Mr Andrew Freeman (PDF 95KB)
     * Mr Tom Worthington (PDF 306KB)
     * Mr Chris Avram (PDF 113KB)
     * University of Tasmania (PDF 324KB)
     * AARNet Pty Ltd (PDF 173KB)

The number of submissions by councils is significant:

     * East Metropolitan Regional Council (PDF 341KB)
     * Port Macquarie Hastings Council (PDF 249KB)
     * The Hills Shire Council (PDF 299KB)
     * Gloucester Shire Council (PDF 314KB)
     * Canterbury City Council (PDF 691KB)
     * City of Victor Harbor (PDF 125KB)
     * Hepburn Shire Council (PDF 123KB)
     * East Gippsland Shire Council (PDF 119KB)
     * Cassowary Coast Regional Council (PDF 324KB)
     * McKinlay Shire Council (PDF 525KB)
     * Greater Hume Shire Council (PDF 3,956KB)
     * Kiama Municipal Council (PDF 196KB)
     * Wheatbelt East Regional Organisations of Councils (PDF 193KB)
     * Tweed Shire Council (PDF 940KB)
     * FNQ Regional Organsation of Councils (PDF 168KB)

AARnet and Two Universities:

     * AARNet Pty Ltd (PDF 173KB)
     * University of Wollongong (PDF 133KB)
     * University of Tasmania (PDF 324KB)

Other Organisations:

     * Senetas (PDF 262KB)
     * Regional Development Australia - Whyalla & Eyre Peninsula (PDF
     * Infrastructure Australia (PDF 566KB)
     * Eviva Pty Ltd (PDF 160KB)
     * AgForce Queensland (PDF 255KB)
     * South West Group (PDF 533KB)
     * SAIC Pty Ltd (PDF 1,397KB)
     * Art when you need it (PDF 112KB)
     * Regional Development Australia Moreton Bay Inc (PDF 742KB)
     * Get Connected (PDF 209KB)

Others were from individuals:

     * Mr Andrew Freeman (PDF 95KB)
     * Mr Lidio Bertelli (PDF 121KB)
     * Mr Hugh Dakin (PDF 93KB)
     * Mr Tom Worthington (PDF 306KB)
     * Mr Darren Merritt (PDF 118KB)
     * Mr Chris Avram (PDF 113KB)
     * Ms Kristina Starnawski (PDF 98KB)
     * Mr Ross Hampton (PDF 111KB)
     * Dr Deb Foskey (PDF 105KB)
     * Mr Vincent Mumford (PDF 134KB)
     * Mr Ken Williams (PDF 112KB)
     * Mr Mark Freeman (PDF 145KB)
     * Ms Jan van Egmond (PDF 103KB)
     * Mr Paul Berkman (PDF 98KB)
     * Dr F.S Fisher (PDF 113KB)
     * Robin & Bernard Terry (PDF 158KB)
     * Ms Sherry Stumm (PDF 115KB)
     * Dr Marcus Bowles (PDF 383KB)
     * Mr Peter Friis (PDF 236KB)

Tom Worthington FACS CP HLM, TomW Communications Pty Ltd. t: 0419496150
PO Box 13, Belconnen ACT 2617, Australia  http://www.tomw.net.au
Adjunct Senior Lecturer, School of Computer Science, The
Australian National University http://cs.anu.edu.au/courses/COMP7310/
Visiting Scientist, CSIRO ICT Centre: http://bit.ly/csiro_ict_canberra

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