[LINK] Study: why bother to remember when you can just use Google?

Marghanita da Cruz marghanita at ramin.com.au
Fri Jul 15 10:12:03 AEST 2011

Kim Holburn wrote:
> http://arstechnica.com/science/news/2011/07/study-why-bother-to-remember-when-you-can-just-use-google.ars
> I'm sure I remember a story from my childhood about an amerindian tribal story teller and the dangers of the written word to people's memory.  I'll have to google it.
>> Study: why bother to remember when you can just use Google?
>> Our memory appears to be adapting to technology, for better or worse. Some argue that the changes to our brains caused by instant access to information are damaging and similar to addiction, but other results suggest that actively searching online can actually strengthen some brains. Most wouldn't consider typical group transactive memory to be damaging, but beneficial---who's to say these developments aren't also a good thing? With access to unprecedented amounts of external knowledge, perhaps this now unused capacity of our brains can be used in other ways?

Open Book exams have been around for sometime. Though if you open the book 
for the first time in an 3 hour exam, you are unlikely to get through all 
the questions - but you may have a better understanding of the topic than 
at the start of the exam.

I do agree Google (and I guess the other search engines) have changed our 
access to information. However, I hate the easy transition the IT industry 
makes from information to knowledge.

And Grasshopper (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0068823/quotes) don't even get 
me started on Judgement and Wisdom.

Marghanita da Cruz
Tel: 0414-869202

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