[LINK] Moderator Censorship

Ivan Trundle ivan at itrundle.com
Sun Mar 27 17:21:12 AEDT 2011

On 27/03/2011, at 5:08 PM, rene wrote:

> Since when have Link list maintainers been regarded as list owners? (refer 
> to Tony Barry's initial message saying he wanted to hand list maintenance 
> to others).

Irene - I can understand your indignation - but you are misinterpreting the language used by Mailman.

Link runs using Mailman software: those who administrate the lists have ultimate control over all list parameters. Martin, Robin and I are 'list owners' in the lexicon of Mailman. Tony Barry was the previous list owner. Owners have the ability to tend to pending administration requests, and to alter the configuration of the list. Pending administration requests are typically to approve, dispose or respond otherwise to postings from addresses that are not recognised as subscriber e-mails.

Moderators can also be set, and this group has a limited set of permissions. However, since we don't moderate Link, 'moderators' are the same set as 'owners'.

> In addition, the Link list charter states:
> This list "is open and unmoderated".
> http://mailman.anu.edu.au/mailman/listinfo/link

And indeed it is. There is no evidence that this has changed, and nor is it the wish of the list owners to make this change. I see no reason to rewrite anything, nor do I wish to provoke further needless discussion about the subject of moderation.



Ivan Trundle
http://itrundle.com ivan at itrundle.com ph 0418 244 259

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