[LINK] Cloud Computing Services in Australia?
grove at zeta.org.au
grove at zeta.org.au
Mon Nov 7 11:25:59 AEDT 2011
What is conncerning me, as someone directly in the cone of influence
of "The Cloud", and as one that watches restructures end people's careers on a
seemingly more common basis, is that it is being used as an
"operational reason" for the reduction of onshore IT jobs and outsourcing of
systems admins, and so on.
Universities ultimately will be heavily affected by this and at <some uni>
"The Cloud" is already making an impact in our area. I am seeing more
and more of my role swallowed up by committees that choose to use external
vendors for "support" where once my role was responsible for anything
from a bare metal server build, to compiling a stack for an Apache/Tomcat
platform, or whatever. But with the wonderful "The Cloud" comes the
Great Dumbing Down.
The advent of the "Lights Out Datacentre" has made "The Cloud" practical
and possible. Once you do not require your admins in the DC to service
equipment, with most "soft" activities now available remotely,
it is then possible to outsource the servicing or maintenance of hardware
via vendor contracts or service companies. Then these businesses will
hire barely trained staff to replace the fan tray, disk unit, etc of a
hardware device or other piece of equipment.
Where once it was the role of an admin/engineer to take these jobs on,
they are now replaced by faceless avatars of the vendor, who actually
end up having more access and knowledge of your DC layout than you do.
Once the admins are comfortable with the Lights Out ideal (and it is
really a good idea up to a point), it is trivial to argue that you
can do the same with your whole DataCentre and outsource it as well.
Then you no longer own your DataCentre, or the endpoints in and out of it.
You are then beholden to the T&C's of the DC vendor. But, it is argued,
they have to supply the 5 nines you paid so much for.
It is then only a small step, if it has not already been done, to
Virtualise, so that you do not even have to own the hardware anymore, but just
the virtual platforms running on it. You just lease the boxen
from the vendor and pay a support cost. The argument for keeping qualified
and experienced sysadmins changes at this point - they are not allowed
into the DC, cannot make changes to the hardware and there's not much
to do on the Virtual side, if it is a "Buy Not Build" app scenario.
So, the qualified sysadmin is now reduced to a virtual button clicker,
shifting VMs and zones from point to point, until you install a "virtual
centre" and then set the load params and so on until you only need
a network guy to trace bottlenecks and a perhaps a junior to
check log files etc.
As for hardening the systems, security, general admin - it's all in the
box now. Outsource your firewall rules so that the network team
reduces it to a spreadsheet that can be submitted to the vendor weekly
and you do not need most of your security team any more.
As such, I foresee a shortening of my career as a UNIX sysadm/hardware
person. I've mitigated this by studying up on Identity Management,
IOS programming and so on, to see if I can keep going for a few more years.
The mobile devices mean The Cloud has opportunities there, but if you
are in its tractor beam, as a sysadmin you'd better be looking for another
job within 3 years until the bubble bursts and it all comes in house again.
And jobs in "The Cloud" won't be viable. Unless you are a founder
member of the business, or the nerd that architected everything, you
will be too expensive to hire.
The Cloud does have silver linings for businesses that think that IT has
grown beyond a support value and when they consider it not to be
"core business", but the upshot is that if you work in IT in a full on
technical role doing hardware/sysadmin, you are not as indispensible as you
used to be.....
Rachel Polanskis Kingswood, Greater Western Sydney, Australia
grove at zeta.org.au http://www.zeta.org.au/~grove/grove.html
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