[LINK] "Shutting down copper is a really dumb thing to do"
Frank O'Connor
francisoconnor3 at bigpond.com
Wed Nov 9 07:56:33 AEDT 2011
Perhaps in America, with its economies of scale and huge customer numbers (about 170 million or more fixed line connections) big telcos could afford to run two 'systems' in tangent.
Here, it's not as viable. I mean, even the NBN ... even with everyone in Oz connected to it, would only have about 6 million subscribers. That's not enough to support running a tandem network connection environment.
On 09/11/2011, at 12:27 AM, Fernando Cassia wrote:
> http://www.arnnet.com.au/article/405374/primus_ceo_shutting_down_copper_really_dumb_thing_do_/
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