[LINK] Friday Musing: Docx - Open Office versus Microsoft Office
Rick Welykochy
rick at praxis.com.au
Fri Nov 11 15:53:41 AEDT 2011
Pilcher, Fred wrote:
> Why wouldn't ODF work, Rick? Aren't there ODF-based apps for all the primary OSs?
A quick google found these ODF apps:
Adobe Buzzword
Atlantis Word Processor
Calligra Suite
Corel WordPerfect Office X4
Google Docs
IBM Lotus Symphony
Microsoft Office 2007 (from service pack 2 release)
Microsoft Office 2010
SoftMaker Office
Sun Microsystems StarOffice
WordPad 6.1 (Windows 7) partial support.
Zoho Office Suite
Of course, most members of my team are not techies, so they need a WSYIWIG
word processor (which I personally detest ... I want typesetting or a text
processor, but I digress).
We tried MS Office, Libre Office, Open Office with the requirement that
they reliably imbed images and interoperate across all three platforms.
Conclusion: Platfail!
A quick perusal of the above list reveals that many of the entrants are
less than stellar performers.
Academics often use Tex or LaTex with good results. Too techy for the team.
Myself, I have good results with XHTML, which can then be rendered any number
of ways. Too techy for the team.
Google Docs "just worked" and we can exchange updates to the documents
in this way. BTW: our docs are short and sweet. I wouldn't advise writing
a thesis in Google Docs. Or any word processor for that matter.
Rick Welykochy || Praxis Services
"A Ministry of Defence guide to preventing information leaking into
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