[LINK] Just MUsing

Peter Bowditch peter at ratbags.com
Mon Nov 14 20:00:50 AEDT 2011

Roger said:

> Working on a history piece, I checked whether oz.au and some of its 
> sub-domains still have DNS entries.
> I noticed that munnari.oz.au still has an MX entry to
> jade.coe.psu.AC.TH
> So Robert Elz is still in the mix, after all these years.

His name popped up in something I read recently, but I can't remember 
where - ZDNet perhaps. I had the same thought - he's still around 

Peter Bowditch
The Millenium Project - http://www.ratbags.com/rsoles
I'm @RatbagsDotCom on Twitter

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