[LINK] Programming for Children
stephen at melbpc.org.au
stephen at melbpc.org.au
Tue Nov 15 00:52:10 AEDT 2011
Programming for Children, Minus Cryptic Syntax
By PETER WAYNER Published: November 9, 2011
When Howard Abrams, a software engineer in Beaverton, Ore., wanted to
teach his daughter, now 10, and son, now 8, how to program computers, he
thought of the fun he had playing with Logo, the first programming
language he learned.
He quickly discovered that “Logo is pretty old school. Now there are a
lot of different options.”
So he chose to teach his children Scratch, http://scratch.mit.edu/
a language developed for teaching at M.I.T.’s Media Lab, both for its
simplicity and the way it encourages collaboration.
He uses it with fourth and fifth graders at his children’s school, at a
computer club where they build games and tell stories. The fun, he said,
is contagious. “There are days when I think of quitting this job and
teaching full time,” he said.
New and more sophisticated tools are changing the way that the next
generation learns to program computers.
Children can now create elaborate scenes and games without the cryptic
commands that were once the only way to tell computers what to do. The
most talented children can also use some of the sophisticated tools
normally used by professional programmers, because the tools are now
often easy enough for someone to pick up with only a few months of study.
Mitchel Resnick, a professor of learning research at M.I.T.’s Media Lab
who helps run the Scratch project, said that Scratch is effective with
children because it fosters collaboration. “It should not just be about
an individual sitting at a computer,” Mr. Resnick said.
He estimated that there are about 2,000 new Scratch projects created
every day, and many are based on the work of other students. “A third of
the projects, more than 600,000, are what we call remixes. The kids are
building on someone else’s work.”
Mr. Abrams said he had grown to love the way Scratch encourages children
to share. “At first, I was trying to get the kids to not talk,” he said.
“But then I took a step back and let them socialize and work together on
projects. That’s when things started to really happen. Someone would do
something different, all would gather around, see it, and then go back to
their own.”
A similar tool from Carnegie Mellon called Alice http://alice.org/ gives
children command over three-dimensional characters like the ones found in
video games. Like Scratch, Alice focuses the children’s attention by
giving them tiles with instructions that advance the plot of a story.
With tiles like “jump” or “turn,” a student can tell a skater what to do.
The system emphasizes logical thinking and sidesteps the coding errors
that occur when a misspelling or an errant comma sends the computer into
a petulant standoff. Caitlin Kelleher, a professor at Washington
University, worked on creating this environment for simplifying
storytelling when she was a graduate student at Carnegie Mellon
She explained that eliminating what computer scientists call syntax
errors made all the difference in teaching children. “Kids can’t just
understand that capital Bunny and lower-case bunny are different things.
If you forget a comma in your English essay, your teacher doesn’t hand it
back and say, ‘I can’t understand any of this.’ ”
There are limits, though, to what the hard work of these university
professors can do. My 8-year-old son was disappointed when he found that
programming a bunny to smash a cellphone resulted in a slightly flatter
cellphone, not an impressive explosion of parts. When I told him that he
would need to issue direct instructions for every fragment from the
phone, he began to have a newfound appreciation for video game designers.
Tools like Scratch and Alice are what Mr. Abrams calls “gateway
programming languages” because they offer simple introductions into how
to organize the instructions.
Older students in middle school or high school can go further and learn
the computer languages used by professionals to build Web sites and
Of these, the languages that control how Web pages arrange information
are some of the most accessible, because they provide more control over
where words and images are positioned.
One site, CodeAcademy.com, http://codeacademy.com/ provides instruction
on creating sophisticated applications for the Web using Javascript. The
system leads the student with text-based interaction instead of icons, a
method that is much closer to what many programmers experience. It also
forces the students to be more attentive to punctuation and syntax.
Another Web site, http://dontfeartheinternet.com/ offers video lessons
that cover much of the same ground.
Many of the grown-up languages have simplified versions for beginners.
Devotees of the Ruby language, for instance, like KidsRuby
http://kidsruby.org/ or Ruby for Kids.
Just Basic http://justbasic.com/ is one of the newest versions of the
Basic language, itself a project designed long ago to make programming
Even some of the professional tools are within reach for smart high
school students. Robert Nay, 14, became the talk of the Web when his
iPhone game called Bubble Ball reached the top of the charts.
He used Corona, http://anscamobile.com/ a toolkit from Ansca Mobile that
makes it relatively simple to create objects that behave as if they’re in
the real world. Many of the rules of physics are already encoded and the
programmer only tells the objects where to go, not how to bounce. Corona
comes with a built-in “physics engine” that fills in the details.
Blender 3D, http://blender.org/ a popular program for creating three-
dimensional images, is built around Python, a professional computer
language that is growing in popularity. Children can create working
stories and simple games with its elaborately rendered 3-D worlds, just
like the professional game designers and moviemakers who also use the
All of this simplicity, however, doesn’t remove the need for inspiration,
vision and dogged perseverance. Games like Bubble Ball take hours of
polish, even when there are physics engines to fill in the gaps.
Educators are beginning to recognize that simply making it easier isn’t
helpful if the children aren’t ready to work.
“As you start to bring it to audiences who don’t have to do it for their
job, you have to start to ask the question, ‘Why do they have to do
this?’ ” said Ms. Kelleher, the Alice creator. She thinks that many
children are more interested in creating stories and defining interesting
narratives than just moving arms or legs. Her new project, called Looking
Glass, is intended to help them make short animated movies and share them
with friends who can remix them.
Mr. Resnick of M.I.T. said that children often find clever solutions when
they explore what moves them.
“We shouldn’t think of programming narrowly as a tool for a professional
activity but as a means of expression,” he said.
“Our goal is not just for kids to grow up and get jobs as programmers. We
feel that everyone should be able to express themselves with online
(A version of this article appeared in print in the New York Times on
November 10, 2011, on page B6 of the New York edition with the headline:
Programming for Children, Minus Cryptic Syntax.)
Cheers folks
Stephen Loosley
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