[LINK] itNews: 'Google slams states over tight grip on data'
Roger Clarke
Roger.Clarke at xamax.com.au
Thu Nov 17 08:25:23 AEDT 2011
[Comments embedded.]
Google slams states over tight grip on data
John Hilvert
Nov 16, 2011 12:30 PM (19 hours ago)
Requests allegedly rebuffed by Australian state governments.
Google has criticised state and territory government agencies on
Australia's east coast over their reluctance to make public data
available for use in the web giant's tools.
Engineering director Alan Noble lashed out at the range of excuses
that agencies used to bar Google from public transport data.
Speaking at the first Information Policy Conference - convened by the
Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) in Canberra,
Noble said that only the Western Australian, South Australia and
Northern Territory had tipped data into the Google Transit service.
[There's a significant difference between "make public data
available" and "barring [other organisations and individuals] from
public transport data", on the one hand, and "tipping data into [one
particular company's databases]" on the other.
["Making available" requires the enablement of convenient data
access, together with a copyright licence of an appropriate kind.
But in order to maintain a level playing-field, there should be no
agency-determined advantages for one corporation over others, or
corporations over community associations and individuals.
[The emergency services heart-tugger used by Noble in his speech is a
special case. The conventional model would be for one or more
government agencies to go out to tender for services. Given the
rapidity with which new capabilities emerged during the 00'ies, a
'certificate of expediency' to enable direct dealings by emergency
services agency/ies with one specific company would have passed
probity tests. Google was that company (and several years later,
probably still is that company).]
He said Google Transit was available in 500 cities around the world.
"We provide this for free. No Government funds are required to get
this information published on Google maps, yet you would be surprised
how difficult it is to get this information, from various transit
departments around Australia," Noble said.
"You would think this is a no-brainer: encouraging people to take
trains, buses and ferries - why wouldn't you do this?"
Noble said that Google had been in negotiations to get data on
Sydney, Melbourne and Canberra for "years".
He alleged that monetisation and liability concerns seemed to be the
main sticking points for the government agencies withholding their
"There are certain agencies that take the view that if we don't
publish the information, by definition they are not liable for any
action," he said.
Noble was not the only speaker that wanted to see freer access to
government data.
Information Commissioner Professor John McMillan used the conference
to launch an a white paper on assessing the economic and social value
to the community of public sector information.
"I am confident that analysis will demonstrate that the benefits of
open government far outweigh the costs," McMillan said.
"It is widely acknowledged that information is a valuable resource.
The right information at the right time can expand knowledge, enable
innovation, boost productivity, and even save lives."
The value of public data
Noble cited the Victorian bushfires in 2009 as an example where
Google had surfaced public information in a useful, easily-consumable
The web giant used its maps to denote where fires were raging or
under control and to offer interactive features that allowed users to
click on areas for the latest official briefing on hazards.
Noble said this was all public information "but at the time it was not so".
"We at Google made the call that we would actually pull the
information from some public websites even though the standard
licenses were not in place at the time. But we decided the public
benefit outweighed the potential legalistic issues," he said.
Noble said Google's website helped reduce the strain on the official
which became overloaded.
"We were able to pull the information fed infrequently and not impose
too much of a load from CFA's website and basically run this map and
get this running 24x7 on Google's infrastructure," Noble said.
"One thing that Google does well is that we have good infrastructure
that hundreds of millions of people throughout the world can use."
The service has since evolved into Google Crisis Response, which has
been used in the Queensland floods and cyclones, the Christchurch
earthquake, the Tohoku earthquake and Hurricane Irene.
Noble urged Government agencies to consider three rules:
1. The best time to get public information out is ASAP. "We have a
preference for raw data not necessarily highly curated data".
2. Only withhold it if there's a clear imperative to withhold such
as privacy or security reasons. The bias should be to not withhold;
3. Wherever possible make data available free of charge.
Roger Clarke http://www.rogerclarke.com/
Xamax Consultancy Pty Ltd 78 Sidaway St, Chapman ACT 2611 AUSTRALIA
Tel: +61 2 6288 1472, and 6288 6916
mailto:Roger.Clarke at xamax.com.au http://www.xamax.com.au/
Visiting Professor in the Cyberspace Law & Policy Centre Uni of NSW
Visiting Professor in Computer Science Australian National University
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