[LINK] o/t: America and China

stephen at melbpc.org.au stephen at melbpc.org.au
Sat Nov 19 02:05:08 AEDT 2011

NYTimes.com  ..

> The United States planned to deploy 2,500 Marines in Australia to
> shore up alliances in Asia .. the agreement with Australia amounts
> to the first long-term expansion of the American military’s presence
> in the Pacific since the end of the Vietnam War.  Mr. Obama said he
> had “made a deliberate and strategic decision — as a Pacific nation,
> the United States will play a larger and long-term role in shaping
> this region and its future.” 
> China has invested heavily in military modernization and has begun to 
> deploy long-range aircraft and a more able deep-sea naval force, and it 
> has asserted territorial claims to disputed islands that would give it 
> broad sway over oil and gas rights in the East and South China Seas. 
> (The main problem being the Sprately Islands, basically a collection
> of sandbars that eight or so countries sort-of claim, but, the Phils
> have had fishermen living there semi-permanently for centuries. (But)
> recently, oil was discovered. Now, China is sending warships & getting
> very serious .. At this same time, America has recently started to show
> a *lot* of interest .. in the Philippines .. Stephen)

Last week America gave the Philippines a destroyer (it's largest warship, 
and so, making two) Today the newspapers announced that America's giving
the Philippines 20 attack helicopters, 4 combat utility helicopters, and 
an (AWACS) aerial reconnaissance camera. The .ph Navy will get a landing 
craft utility ship, three multipurpose attack craft, three Jacinto-class 
patrol vessels with upgraded weapons system, 20 truck troop carriers (2
ton) and 105 20-watt radio vehicles.

"Already on the pipeline and slated to be delivered next year are four 
combat utility helicopters and six refurbished UH-IH helicopters for the 
Air Force, while the Navy will have two upgraded Coast Watch Stations, 
one command and control system, 335 Rocket Launchers and one hundred
81-millimeter mortars for the Army."  <http://www.philstar.com>

Like I said, America is suddenly getting very serious about this region.

Some are saying it's because Europe will be a basket-case trade-wise for
years, so America needs new markets, and sea access to these new markets.


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