[LINK] A national broadband network?

Nick Ross nickrossabc at gmail.com
Mon Nov 21 09:25:38 AEDT 2011

Oh dear. Here we go again.

Valuing the NBN on signups is like saying the Sydney Harbour Bridge's
business plan was based on charging tolls to cross it.

The entire NBN will be paid for by cost savings to the Health System alone
and I shall prove it.

Competing technologies? Beyond fibre? Really?

People not signing up because it's not finished? That's like saying the
telephone network was doomed because no one bought a phone before it was

If Australia loses the NBN it will be akin to a criminal act inflicted upon

What's most depressing of course is that Labor is failing to sell it, NBN
is failing to sell it, the Coalition are going unchallenged about making
things up to slag it off and mainstream media doesn't have a clue.


On 20 November 2011 18:41, stephen at melbpc.org.au <stephen at melbpc.org.au>wrote:

> Feeling somewhat peeved regarding this ..
> All over the net today .. "In all, about 18,000 homes now have access to
> the NBN, but only about 2,000 paying subscribers have been registered by
> the NBN Co, making for an 11 per cent connection rate."
> A national broadband network?
> Surely, with an 11 per cent network connection rate the NBN can hardly
> be called a national broadband network, which must include actual take
> up, and utilization, to be correctly termed any computer etc network.
> Seems to me that ongoing usage costs must be the problem? Whatever, at
> this rate, it's a dud. And, something needs to be done. Quickly. Hence
> though a firm supporter roll-on any and all competing net technologies.
> Stephen
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