[LINK] Microsoft slams local data centre edict

Bernard Robertson-Dunn brd at iimetro.com.au
Sun Nov 27 15:05:19 AEDT 2011

On 27/11/2011 12:08 PM, Philip Argy wrote:
> With Cocoon Data's Secure Objects technology, the access control list
> for a file/directory/server etc can be kept in Australia and the
> encrypted file stored anywhere on the planet.  Because the
> encryption/decryption keys and the access rights are totally
> controlled from here, and have to be referenced each time a file is
> sought to be opened, the paranoia about the location of the server on
> which the information is stored becomes irrelevant.

That may be an OK solution for static file repositories, but how does an 
application in the cloud access the data?

Does the application do the decrypt/encrypt? Is it a network component? 
Where does it get the keys? Are they encrypted in transit? Where does 
the application get the keys to decrypt the data keys? - ad nauseam

Even if it is doable, it is likely to impact application performance 
though. And it's a system redesign. You wouldn't just redeploy an 
existing application.

And if you were a government, would you want to go to a single supplier?

Like much of this cloud stuff, what looks like a solution to a major 
problem turns out to be a possible solution to a specific, non-general, 



Bernard Robertson-Dunn
Canberra Australia
email:   brd at iimetro.com.au
website: www.drbrd.com

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