[LINK] tax forum live streaming

Marghanita da Cruz marghanita at ramin.com.au
Tue Oct 4 14:18:16 AEDT 2011

Rachel Polanskis wrote:
> http://www.futuretax.gov.au/content/Content.aspx?doc=video/default.htm
> 1:  it says windows media only
> 2: the alternative stream explicitly mentions iphones and ipads,
> but a java not found error is elicited.   
> I wish I had a magical Java capable ipad from the future....    a bit disappointing. 
> I would've thought the IT media people would have their act together by now.

Yes, Pia Waugh has it down pat for Kate Lundy's Public Spheres. The latest 
is this week:

The Office Senator Kate Lundy in collaboration with Minister Simon Crean wrote:
> Live streaming
> The live streaming for the event including video as well as a way to engage in the online discussions via live blogging and the #publicsphere Tweetstream is at http://www.livestream.com/publicsphere 

with regard to:
> SLUG  (Sydney Linux Users Group) for example can stream their stuff in a heartbeat....

Not quite a heart beat, it relies on Tim's software and maybe even Tim.

The May, June, July, August meetings were streamed and are up on youtube.

Someone else was sitting in, for Tim, behind the controls on Friday. The 
video doesn't seem to be on youtube. Was the video feed working, last Friday?


> rachel
> --
> rachel polanskis 
> <r.polanskis at uws.edu.au> 
> <grove at zeta.org.au>
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Marghanita da Cruz
Tel: 0414-869202

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