[LINK] Weird spam

Rachel Polanskis grove at zeta.org.au
Fri Oct 7 21:09:07 AEDT 2011

I have been sent a very strange spam, with about 7 images in it, from a sender:

233558938299 at dysgo.org

Has anyone else received this?  

It is just a series of 7 images that appear to be images from Google Maps linking
a series of markers in Japan and Europe,  A rock,   a couple of maps with numbers
that appear to be english translations of chinese names for geographical features 
and last but not least - an illuminatus pyramid!

What does it mean?   Has anyone else seen this?   It is either a worldwide cry for help,
a worldwide scam, or a bizarre hoax or concoction from a tinfoil hatter?!


rachel polanskis 
<r.polanskis at uws.edu.au> 
<grove at zeta.org.au>

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