[LINK] Neuroheadset

stephen at melbpc.org.au stephen at melbpc.org.au
Tue Oct 11 20:34:25 AEDT 2011

This Aussie start-up appears to be doing quite exciting things with their
recent research, and now technology, regarding brain-waves and technology


They have impressive partners: http://emotiv.com/corporate/partners.php

1. Developers: 

Develop applications for the Emotiv EPOC neuroheadset and join the
Developer Community by licensing an Emotiv Software Development Kit (SDK)

Depending on whether you are an independent developer (individuals, 
companies or incorporated entities), educational institute or a 
commercial enterprise, we offer the opportunity for you to work with our 
APIs and detection libraries to create applications that can be 
controlled by your mind.  

The Emotiv Software Development Kit includes a high resolution, neuro-
signal acquisition and processing wireless neuroheadset and our 
proprietary software toolkit that exposes our APIs and detection 

It includes EmotivControlPanel.exe, EmotivComposer.exe, EmoKey.exe, 
header files and import libraries, and sample code. The EmoComposer & 
EmoKey is a hardware emulator that will enable you to commence immediate 
development for the headset.  The SDK provides an effective development 
environment that integrates well with new and existing frameworks.  

The detection suites that are incorporated into the Emotiv SDK are:  

Expressiv™ Suite
The Expressiv suite uses the signals measured by the neuroheadset to 
interpret player facial expressions in real-time. It provides a natural 
enhancement to game interaction by allowing game characters to come to 
life. When a player smiles, their avatar can mimic the expression even 
before they are aware of their own feelings. Artificial intelligence can 
now respond to players naturally, in ways only humans have been able to 
until now.

Affectiv™ Suite 
The Affectiv suite monitors player emotional states in real-time. It 
provides an extra dimension in game interaction by allowing the game to 
respond to a player's emotions. Characters can transform in response to 
the player's feeling. Music, scene lighting and effects can be tailored 
to heighten the experience for the player in real-time. The Affectiv 
suite can be used to monitor player state of mind and allow developers to 
adjust difficulty to suit each situation.

Cognitiv™ Suite
The Cognitiv suite reads and interprets a player's conscious thoughts and 
intent. Gamers can manipulate virtual objects using only the power of 
their thought. For the first time, the fantasy of magic and supernatural 
power can be experienced.

2. Researchers:

Take advantage of the EPOC neuroheadset to conduct electroencephalography 
(EEG) research. Join the Emotiv Research Community by licensing an Emotiv 
EEG System for research. 

Emotiv offers a multi-channel electroencephalogram (EEG system) for 
research, enabling a broad range of applications including neurotherapy, 
biofeedback, brain computer interface. 

Depending on whether you are an independent researcher (individuals, 
companies or incorporated entities that had a turnover less than 
US$100,000 in their last fiscal year), educational institute or 
enterprise, we offer an environment for you to conduct EEG research 
leveraging the Emotiv EPOC technology. 

The Emotiv Software Development Kit for research includes a 14 channel 
(plus CMS/DRL references, P3/P4 locations) high resolution, neuro-signal 
acquisition and processing wireless neuroheadset.  Channel names based on 
the International 10-20 locations are: AF3, F7, F3, FC5, T7, P7, O1, O2, 
P8, T8, FC6, F4, F8, AF4. 

TestBenchTM software included in the research SDK provides: 

•Real-time display of the Emotiv headset data stream, including EEG, 
contact quality, FFT, gyro (if fitted – custom option), wireless packet 
acquisition/loss display, marker events, headset battery level.•Record 
and replay files in binary EEGLAB format1. Command line file converter 
included to produce .csv format.•Define and insert timed markers into the 
data stream, including on-screen buttons and defined serial port events. 
Markers are stored in EEG data file•Marker definitions can be saved and 
reloaded. Markers are displayed in real time and playback modes. •Export 
screenshot for documentation


EEG display: 
•5 second rolling time window (chart recorder mode)•ALL or selected 
channels can be displayed•Automatic or manual scaling (individual channel 
display mode)•Adjustable channel offset (multi-channel display 
mode)•Synchronized marker window

FFT display: 
•Selected channel only•ALL or selected channels can be 
displayed•Adjustable sampling window size (in samples)•Adjustable update 
rate (in samples)•dB mode – power or amplitude calculations•dB scale•FFT 
window methods: Hanning, Hamming, Hann, Blackman, Rectangle•Predefined 
and custom sub-band histogram display – Delta, Theta, Alpha, Beta, custom 

Gyro display: 
•5 second rolling time window (chart recorder mode)•X and Y deflection

Data Packet display: 
•5 second rolling graph of Packet Counter output•Packet loss – integrated 
count of missing data packets•Verify data integrity for wireless 
transmission link

Data Recording and Playback: 
•Fully adjustable slider, play/pause/exit controls.•Subject and record 
ID, date, start time recorded in file naming convention. 



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