[LINK] Australian Computer Society state based consultations

Brenda Aynsley bpa at iss.net.au
Tue Oct 11 23:54:14 AEDT 2011

Hi folks

In case you are interested, there will be a series of gatherings in 
capital cities around Australia hosted and coordinated by ACS to gather 
interested people's view on the 15 September Australian Government 
discussion paper “Connecting with Confidence, Optimising Australia’s 
Digital Future”. The paper seeks input on how government, industry and 
the community can work together to address the challenges and risks 
arising from greater digital engagement and, in doing so, complement the 
government’s vision for Australia to become a leading digital economy by 

The ACS Cyber Task Force in association with the Department of the Prime 
Minister and Cabinet (PM&C) seeks your views on a wide range of issues 
through this consultation event, including how we can together minimise 
cyber risks so we can maximise social and economic opportunities in the 
digital economy.  This is your opportunity to tell us what you think are 
the key opportunities, priorities and challenges in cyberspace.

Format of the consultation events:

     Welcome Address by PM&C Representative
     Address by ACS Cyber Task Force Member
     Open Consultation

Details of your State's event and registration at http://www.acs.org.au/cwp/

Brenda Aynsley, FACS, CP, ACCE Associate
Chair IFIP International Professional Practice Partnership (IP3) 2011-12
Honorary Life Member and Vice President 2010-2011
Australian Computer Society (ACS)
Chairman SA Committee The Pearcey Foundation Inc
Director Oz Business Partners http://www.ozbusinesspartners.com/
Mobile:+61(0) 412 662 988 || Skype/Yahoo/Twitter: baynsley
Phone:+61(0)8 7127 0107 Fax:+61(0)8 8272 7486
*Produced by Ubuntu and Mozilla Thunderbird*

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