[LINK] Jobs the Worlds "Doability" Marketeer. Was Jobs - not all bad

Fernando Cassia fcassia at gmail.com
Thu Oct 13 17:04:21 AEDT 2011

On Thu, Oct 13, 2011 at 01:53, Tom Koltai <tomk at unwired.com.au> wrote:
> What Apple did introduce was the layman non-geek "do-ability" (just plug
> it in and it works.)

Wasn´t that AppleTalk, the networking protocol that only Macs used?

> In that regard, Non-geeks could manage complex 8-12 machine networks
> whereas the equivalent in an IBM network needed a 3270 Hub, four hundred
> miles of cabling with a Compsci degree and an IBM apprenticeship.

Well, I don´t know what year you´re talking about, but peer-to-peer
networking (for file and print sharing) worked quite well using the
Netbios protocol (pure Netbios aka Netbeui, that means no tcp-ip layer
below, it was a non-routeable protocol, only useful for workgroups),
and IBM Lan Manager (or Microsoft Lan Manager, which even featured a
client for ms-dos).

You simply entered

NET VIEW \\machinename

and you saw the list of shared drives or printers it had available for
network use.

What you did need to know was your "workgroup name".

It was very fast. (I remember faster than NFS, which is what most
unixes used at the time).

But perhaps we´re talking about different year ranges... it´s all
blurry for me, but I think it was 1990 or 1991, around the time of Win
3.1, DR-DOS 6 vs MS-DOS 5, etc or thereabouts.

Just my $0.02

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