[LINK] Australian Cultural Policy Feedback requested.

Tom Koltai tomk at unwired.com.au
Sat Oct 15 16:33:07 AEDT 2011

There is just one week left to have your say on the future of arts,
culture and the creative industries in Australia. Consultation on the
discussion paper closes at midnight, Friday 21 October 2011. 

Respondents can take a short online survey:
Or offline at

Or open ended online submission at

Not too late to contribute to national cultural policy - Crean

Only two weeks remain for Australians to have their say on the
development of the first National Cultural Policy in almost twenty
years, Arts Minister Simon Crean announced today.

Speaking in Sydney, Mr Crean said the Australian Government was
committed to ensuring its 10-year vision for developing and supporting
arts and culture was relevant and targeted to our modern and diverse

"We're challenging Australians to be part of the conversation on how our
creative industries can be better connected to the mainstream of modern
Australia," Mr Crean said.

"The degree of interest in the National Cultural Policy discussion paper
has been substantial - with over 13,000 unique visitors to our website
and more than 880 responses to our online survey.

"As the consultation draws to a close, it's not too late for individuals
and organisations making a contribution to the shape Australia's future
cultural landscape.

"We challenge all Australians to provide constructive feedback and
proposals, with tangible outcomes, on the best way forward for our
10-year vision.

/Quote - Continues:

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