[LINK] 2011 ANZIAs

stephen at melbpc.org.au stephen at melbpc.org.au
Tue Oct 18 13:50:12 AEDT 2011


The ANZIAs are an annual event celebrating the achievements of 
organisations, businesses and individuals that have made significant 
contributions to the development and use of the Internet in Australia and 
New Zealand.

2011 Winners

Category: Security and Privacy
Entrant: Telstra
Visit: www.telstra.com.au/cyber-safety
Category: Internet Access and Digital Skills
Entrant: Cisco Academy for the Vision Impaired
Visit: www.ciscovision.org
Category: Information
Entrant: Australian Lions Drug Awareness Foundation
Visit: www.tuneinnotout.com
Category: IPv6
Entrant: DTS Ltd
Visit: www.dts.net.nz/
Category: Diversity
Entrant: Australian Indigenous HealthInfoNet
Visit: www.healthinfonet.ecu.edu.au



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