[LINK] Telstra upgrades ADSL2+

Tom Koltai tomk at unwired.com.au
Sun Oct 30 22:57:00 AEDT 2011

> -----Original Message-----
> From: link-bounces at mailman.anu.edu.au 
> [mailto:link-bounces at mailman.anu.edu.au] On Behalf Of Fernando Cassia
> Sent: Sunday, 30 October 2011 8:30 PM
> To: link at mailman.anu.edu.au
> Subject: [LINK] Telstra upgrades ADSL2+
> http://www.arnnet.com.au/article/405114/telstra_upgrade_adsl2_
> infrastructure/
> on a somewhat related note

Let's start with the second link.

Alcatel, (err that would be the company that trained all the guys that
now run the NBN and Telstra) have speeded up a 1998 Ascend/Lucent
standard, VDSL to over 100 Mbps. 

To compete with the fibre that they are selling to the NBN... QUE ?!?

OK, the first link....
After almost not touching the network for two years why are Telstra
upgrading now, (200,000 Phone lines).

The giveaway comment was in the middle of the above link:

"The upgrade will support our customers' growing interest in connecting
up household devices and screens to the Internet so that they can enjoy
information and entertainment on demand," Telstra said in a statement.
"The extra capacity will make it easier for households to access their
favourite Internet sites and work from home."

Obviously, until Telstra decided to start actually competing for
customers they didn't need to supply "the extra capacity"

So the Gloves are off.

Telstra's VOD offering, the TBox runs on P2P. (Err, that would be the
P2P driven technology developed by Cache-Logic and purchased on behalf
of Telstra by Alcatel.)

If half of the users are connected via RIM based slow speed ADSL 1
connections, then of course P2P doesn't work (can't find any relevant
"responding" peers - DHT problem) and people won't pay to see the

Netflix in the USA showed last year that streaming quality content at HD
quality is King. 
To achieve that, X/OR P2P needs to be implemented at a minimum of

4096 down for us, 512 upstream for neighbour 1 and 512 upstream for
neighbour 2 and 2048 upstream for neighbour 3 and 1024 upstream for
neighbour 4.

Ooops, ADSL isn't symmetrical. We'll have to fix that... I know, lets
call it Project Top-Hat - But don't tell anyone what it does otherwise
they will all want symmetrical Internet Broadband... 

What's wrong with that ?

Well that would mean that anyone could stream content at the same speed
as us... And we cant have a walled garden if everyone has the same

Do the users know that they are streaming content to other users via P2P

P2P. Shhh. Don't say that too loud. The AG doesn't like P2P.

My my my.


Telstra TopHat Exchange Rollout
Telstra Tbox http://www.telstra.com.au/tv/tbox/
DHT Routing http://www.barsoom.org/~agthorr/papers/infocom-2006-kad.pdf

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