[LINK] Universities Australia
stephen at melbpc.org.au
stephen at melbpc.org.au
Fri Sep 9 01:04:09 AEST 2011
A productive country: The contribution of Australian universities to
national productivity
Universities Australia,
7th September 2011
Executive Summary
Increasing university funding can substantially increase national
Australian universities are in a key position to increase Australian long-
term productivity and workforce participation. Universities contribute
strongly to economic activity in the short-term, medium-term and long-
Workforce participation is improving, and higher education can help this
further. Australia's productivity, however, is stagnant. With their
focus on human capital development and knowledge creation, universities
have the greatest potential in Australia to provide significant and
sustained stimulus to national productivity growth.
Universities also have one of the highest multiplier impacts for new
spending and have long queues of rigorously attested projects awaiting
support. Their endeavours are across all states and territories,
avoiding "patchwork economy" concerns.
The full and sustained implementation of the Bradley Review's vision
would add some 5.6% to national productivity levels by 2040 and 6.4% to
Australia's GDP. This payoff is significantly higher than other
productivity enhancing intitiatives, such as the 2% GDP payoff from the
$36 billion National Broadband Network, and the 0.07% GDP payoff from the
Henry Tax Reform proposals ... (snip)
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