[LINK] Blended Learning in China

Tom Worthington tom.worthington at tomw.net.au
Sun Sep 18 11:34:38 AEST 2011

Ms. Chen WANG of Beihang University (Beijing) will speak on "Blended 
Learning in China" at the Australian National University in Canberra, 
3:30pm, 20 September 2011 in the famous room N101: 

ANU College of Engineering & Computer Science

Blended Learning in China
Ms. Chen WANG (Beihang University in Beijing, China)

DATE: 2011-09-20
TIME: 15:30:00 - 16:30:00
LOCATION: CSIT Seminar Room, N101, Computer Science & Information 
Technology Building: http://campusmap.anu.edu.au/displaybldg.asp?no=108


This seminar describes the development of blended learning in China, 
also including the impact of Chinese culture and information technology 
development in Chinese higher education.

Blended learning is attracting a lot of attention in the English 
speaking world and some Asian countries, but there is less information 
about the use of blended learning in China. Most education research and 
open education resources are published in Chinese so it is difficult for 
English speakers to learn about current state of the system. In this 
talk we will give an overview of some government initiatives in blended 
learning as well as highlight some of the key players in education 
research and innovation in China. We will also introduce some successful 
stories from different point of view.


Ms. Chen WANG is a PHD student whose specialty is Education Technology. 
She majored in information management as an undergraduate and software 
engineering as Master degree. She worked in a university in Beijing and 
then found her interests in applying information and communication 
technology in higher education, so she decided to quit her job and 
become a full-time PHD student. Ms. Chen WANG was also a United Nations 
Volunteer to upgrade an online platform of Beijing volunteering management.

Ms. Chen WANG is interested in blended learning, so has come to ANU or 
three months to learn more from the Engineering Hubs and Spokes Project. 
Her supervisor is Dr. Kim Blackmore.

Tom Worthington FACS CP HLM, TomW Communications Pty Ltd. t: 0419496150
PO Box 13, Belconnen ACT 2617, Australia  http://www.tomw.net.au
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards 

Adjunct Senior Lecturer, Research School of Computer Science,
Australian National University http://cs.anu.edu.au/courses/COMP7310/

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