[LINK] China on Internet Freedom

Jan Whitaker jwhit at melbpc.org.au
Wed Apr 18 09:42:52 AEST 2012

I had expected a different slant on this topic, but what I read was 
fascinating. Essentially China is saying, "see, you idiots, what your 
liberal democracies get you? No control! People doing what they want 
to do and not what we at the top want them to do!"

When silly politicians unthinkingly say stupid things like Cameron 
did, it shows that the 'control from the top' meme is still there in 
Western democracies, and that 'we the people' need to be ever 
vigilant against attacks within our own systems on those very values 
who make us who we are.

Howard started down that path in this country with his reintroduction 
of sedition laws (which is essentially what the Chinese are 
suggesting we need) and the current lot are hardly better with their 
nanny-state policies. So I guess China would be pleased with 
Australia. Is that what the China/Australia interchange is getting us?


At 09:33 PM 17/04/2012, stephen at melbpc.org.au wrote:
>'Riots lead to rethink of Internet freedom'
>(Chinese) Global Times Editoral | August 13, 2011
>One of the anti-riot measures recently suggested by British PM David
>Cameron is to prevent rioters from using Twitter and other social
>networking websites.
>Such a tactic, which was slammed as a trick resorted to only by
>authoritarian governments in the past, has had a great impact on world

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
jwhit at janwhitaker.com
blog: http://janwhitaker.com/jansblog/
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