Kim Holburn kim at holburn.net
Fri Apr 20 11:01:57 AEST 2012

On 2012/Apr/19, at 11:04 PM, stephen at melbpc.org.au wrote:

> Opinions re this?
> Given that current polls indicate that the Liberals could win the
> next election,

The Liberals, or more correctly the coalition plus could form a government any time with a bit of negotiation.  They have the mandate right now.  Unfortunately Abbott doesn't seem to be able to negotiate.  Turnbull could though.  I reckon he would have romped in if he had been leading the libs.  He probably would if he was the leader at the next elections.  If the libs had a spill  he probably could take over now and form a government.  

> then, presumably, the NBN might become FTTN rather
> than FTTP?

Depends who's the leader:  Abbott, who knows, Turnbull? in charge he might leave the NBN intact, anyone else, who knows.  The trouble is that the view from government is quite different from that of the opposition.

> "Shadow Communications Minister, Malcolm Turnbull, has repeatedly 
> expounded the benefits of an FTTN broadband network as opposed to
> a FTTP one as it would cost less and can be rolled out faster. He
> echoed this thought at the Communications Day Summit on Wednesday"

It's such a pity that pollies try and make rulings on technical matters.  Especially when all their advisors and lobbyists have an agenda of their own.  Perhaps the Nationals might get some backbone and insist on the NBN.  Their constituents are the ones going to benefit most out of the NBN after all.  Nah, doubt it.


Kim Holburn
IT Network & Security Consultant
T: +61 2 61402408  M: +61 404072753
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