[LINK] The terahertz band and CMOS chips

TKoltai tomk at unwired.com.au
Mon Apr 23 15:19:55 AEST 2012

> -----Original Message-----
> From: link-bounces at mailman.anu.edu.au 
> [mailto:link-bounces at mailman.anu.edu.au] On Behalf Of 
> stephen at melbpc.org.au
> Sent: Monday, 23 April 2012 1:28 AM
> To: link at anu.edu.au
> Subject: Re: [LINK] The terahertz band and CMOS chips
> Tom writes,
> > > New Research Could Mean Cellphones That Can See Through 
> Walls Team 
> > > Finds New Possibilities in Untapped Terahertz Range With 
> > > Implications For a Host of Devices 18/4/2012 www.utdallas.edu
> > 
> > Sorry Stephen, this is not new Technology.
> > 
> > I refer to TSA & the Z Backscatter Van .. It uses the same 
> Terahertz 
> > frequencies these chaps are claiming is their invention and 
> has been 
> > around since 2002 ..
> Wikipedia ..
> "The Terahertz Band covers wavelengths between 0.1 & 1 millimeters. 
> Contrary to X-rays, terahertz radiation has a relatively low photon 
> energy. Some frequencies of terahertz radiation can penetrate several 
> millimeters of tissue with low water content, e.g., fatty tissue. The 
> terahertz region is .. generally associated with lasers."
Unfortunately, Wikipedia is wrong.
Not in fact but in directional instructions.

Watch this hand... Not that hand.
It's been suggested by learned persons on Link that I quote too much, so
I will merely indicate the famous or infamous chamois THz combustion
test and the research that grew out of that in Europe as sufficient
reason to be concerned about this technology being used on the general

A relatively innocuous discussion about a topic that couldn't be
considered to be detrimental to national security would be to discuss
human synapses that operate at an RF of 6 MHz.

Have you ever wondered why a weekend in the countryside appears to clear
the mind ? Well, it's probably to do with the fact that we are
surrounded and bombarded with interfering radio signals that are much
higher in power than human synapse interaction frequencies. E.g.: AC
power at 60 cycles  The principle concern is any harmonic of 6 Mhz.
Certain Frequencies have he ability to shall we say, retard spark. If
Terahertz frequencies can be utilised for manipulating nanobots at the
DNA level, then what could they do when combined or refracted by other
microwave molecules floating past.
The mind literally "boggles". And... The Tinhat conspiracy theorists of
the fifties may have been right about radio waves.

Oh, in closing, 

The last line is priceless..
> terahertz region is .. generally associated with lasers."

Can you say light sabre ? That would be an excellent synonym when
looking for words that can describe the effects of focused THz
directional transmissions.

Scientists are much closer to creating an actual light sabre then the
public realise.



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