[LINK] NSW Police face piracy claims

David Boxall david.boxall at hunterlink.net.au
Wed Apr 25 09:51:54 AEST 2012

> A UK software company claims that New South Wales Police have been using pirated copies of their database system.

Short version:
NSW police had licenses for 6,500 seats. Contract expired 2003. In 2010, 
a staffer admitted that they'd rolled out 16,000 seats and were still 
using the software. They'd also given copies to other NSW government 

The other departments settled. Police denied liability and began 
replacing the software with an applet. Applet is property of the same 
company and not licensed to NSW police.


David Boxall                    |  For when the One Great Scorer comes
                                |  To mark against your name,
http://david.boxall.id.au       |  He writes-not that you won or lost-
                                |  But how you played the game.
                                                      --Grantland Rice

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