[LINK] Open access to data

stephen at melbpc.org.au stephen at melbpc.org.au
Mon Jan 2 19:02:13 AEDT 2012

> UK to make publicly funded research free to read 
> 09 December 2011 by Andrew Purcell 
> All scientific research funded by British taxpayers will be made 
> available online free of charge, according to a government report 
> published earlier this week. 
> <http://www.bis.gov.uk/assets/biscore/innovation/docs/i/11-1387-
> innovation-and-research-strategy-for-growth.pdf>

(US GOV) Extended Deadline for Public Access and Digital Data RFIs

Posted by Rick Weiss on December 21, 2011 at 02:24 PM EST 


In November, The (US) Office of Science and Technology (OSTP) issued two 
Requests for Information (RFI) .. one on open access to scientific 
publications and the other on the management of digital data. 

Yesterday, responding to numerous requests, we submitted to the Federal 
Register an extension of the deadlines for those RFIs to January 12, 
2012. We anticipate the official notice of that extension appearing in 
the Federal Register this Friday, but wanted to ensure that all 
stakeholders knew as soon as possible about the extended deadline.

The America COMPETES Reauthorization Act of 2010, signed by President 
Obama earlier this year, calls upon OSTP to coordinate with agencies to 
develop policies that assure widespread public access to and long-term 
stewardship of the results of federally funded unclassified research. 

Towards that goal, OSTP issued the two RFIs soliciting public input on 
long-term preservation of and public access to the results of federally 
funded research, including digital data and peer-reviewed scholarly 

We encourage stakeholders to carefully consider the questions in the RFIs 
and provide comments to the addresses specified. 

Soon after the conclusion of the comment periods, OSTP will make all 
comments available on its website (including the names of the authors and 
their institutional affiliations, so please do not include any 
proprietary or confidential information when responding). 

All comments are now due by January 12, 2012.

You can see the RFI on public access here:


. and the RFI on digital data here:



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