[LINK] Feds shut down file upload site

Richard Chirgwin rchirgwin at ozemail.com.au
Fri Jan 20 20:11:46 AEDT 2012

It's worth noting that the character arrested has a history that makes 
the charges against him fairly credible.

His prior includes embezzlement, share fraud, and passing himself off as 
an uber-hacker using some other fake-hacker's invented stories (that 
last bit can be seen at Attrition.org - 

I find it sad that frankly, Anon has decided to turn into a cause 
celebre someone whose history should make him a target. "This guy's a 
file share king, he's on our side!" is mindless; he's a cynical 
exploiter who has peeled dollars off file sharers by pretending to be on 
their side.


On 20/01/12 6:14 PM, Fernando Cassia wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 19, 2012 at 19:38, Jan Whitaker<jwhit at janwhitaker.com>  wrote:
>> "The fact is that the vast majority of Mega's
>> Internet traffic is legitimate
> Yeah, right. ;-) I bet 99.9% were gigabyte-big excel files and other
> office work documents, too big to email, ROFL!
> Look, let´s be honest here, software like jDownloader wouldn´t exist
> if people didn´t use sites like megaupload to routinely upload music
> and movies...
> FC
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