[LINK] "The mad, mad world of Megaupload Megamaniac Kim Dotcom"

Fernando Cassia fcassia at gmail.com
Wed Jan 25 23:24:04 AEDT 2012

I´d like to nominate this as the best headline of the year... ;)

"The mad, mad world of Megaupload Megamaniac Kim Dotcom"

"The locals researched his background, which includes a conviction for
insider-trading and fraud in Germany, but when they wrote to complain
to the owners of the mansion – the most expensive house in New Zealand
– and the owners forwarded the letter to him, Dotcom replied with an
e-mail in which he joked of having criminal links, laundering money
and taking cocaine"

"Dotcom continued: "In all seriousness: My wife, two kids and myself
love New Zealand and 'We come in peace'." And he ended: "If you feel
like it, come over for coffee sometimes. And don't forget to bring the
cocaine (joke). All the best, Kim."

The e-mail, said one neighbour, "scared the hell out of everybody".

I´m still laughing.


During times of Universal Deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act
- George Orwell

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