[LINK] FTTH in a California town: 1GBPS!

Noel Butler noel.butler at ausics.net
Sun Jun 3 13:17:38 AEST 2012

On Sun, 2012-06-03 at 10:25 +1000, Jan Whitaker wrote:

> http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2012/02/gigabit-internet-for-80-the-unlikely-success-of-californias-sonicnet/
> All for $70. It's so fast, the speed checkers can't measure the 
> download speed accurately, videos buffer immediately, and the limiter 
> is often the servers.

Yes, but you are forgetting the cost of data in the U.S. is minuscule to

When Aus ISP's were paying $150 per mbps, most U.S. ISP's were paying
between $2-$5 per mbps.
and the outrageous difference is still likely today thanks to certain

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