[LINK] Monitoring power consumption of individual appliances

stephen at melbpc.org.au stephen at melbpc.org.au
Mon Jun 11 22:40:03 AEST 2012

Jan writes,

>> Here in Victoria we do not and have never paid a flat-tariff for power.
> That is not a general truth. I am in Victoria and don't have a
> differential tariff.

If you have two of the older style black electricity meters, or, a newer
smart meter, in Victoria you can certainly have off-peak power rates Jan

And, it's worth asking for. Here's our last account. Currently, off-peak
is half the price as you can see, for Dodo Energy anyway. (But who knows
in the near future after the up-coming carbon tax). 

 Usage - Anytime: 541.893 kWh @ 0.23285 
 Controlled Load Usage (off peak): 841.843 kWh @ 0.11955


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