[LINK] UN's Internet Hijack ...

Fernando Cassia fcassia at gmail.com
Tue Jun 19 14:36:02 AEST 2012

On Tue, Jun 19, 2012 at 1:21 AM, Frank O'Connor <francisoconnor3 at bigpond.com
> wrote:

> Oh I agree. What I was miffed about (and still am) is the ITU's
> remorseless push for representation at the Internet administration table
> (which, if they got it, would probably result in another inexorable push
> for control of the Internet and the funds that can be generated from same).
> I distrust them with a passion ... as you have no doubt surmised ... after
> years of dealing with them on OSI and other networking matters (and
> papering over the huge gaps in the OSI network infrastructure with purpose
> built millions of dollar in costs Gateways and Bridges to connect
> incompatible versions of the same goddam OSI standards at speeds so
> glacially slow that if you got more than a few hundred
> transactions/messages an hour the whole damn thing fell over).
> Suffice it to say, I have no time for them or the corrupt and inefficient
> standards process they have embodied over the years.

As you aptly put it, ITU had nothing to do with the creation of the
Internet, neither had the UN, but that doesn't prevent them from trying to
play their game and grab control of it, does it?. I named the IEEE because
it's a purely technical, somewhat internationally recognized organization,
and when one puts a politician vs one engineer, which one would the public
trust more?. *hint* *hint*

So, if the ITU wants to take control of the Net, why can't another
publicly voices their concern over such a move?.

In fact, if I was an electronics engineer and a IEEE member, I'd be
vouching for such a public statement and gathering support from fellow IEEE
members for such a move. Althought I'm not. :)

So, what other purely-technical, international standards organization can
be trusted to voice their concern over this issue, without wanting to take
control of the net itself?

Just thinking aloud...

During times of Universal Deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary
Durante épocas de Engaño Universal, decir la verdad se convierte en un Acto
- George Orwell

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