[LINK] The meaning of climate change denial

David Boxall david.boxall at hunterlink.net.au
Fri Jun 29 10:26:04 AEST 2012

On 28/06/2012 10:08 PM, Ross Kelso wrote:
> Perhaps some readers may be interested in the following writing, taken from The New City Journal, dated 2 November 2008.
> Cheers
> Ross Kelso
> ===============================================
> http://www.thenewcityjournal.net/stay_rational_on_climate_change.htm
> Stay rational on climate change (by Jeremy Gilling and John Muscat)
> ...
Is it really climate change denial? It seems to me that it's more 
climate science denial.

As time goes by, the evidence mounts. Bearing in mind that all but a 
vanishing minority of the best qualified substantially agree, the case 
for action is undeniable. The risks are such that endless quibbling and 
delay are far from rational; they're infernally irresponsible.

David Boxall                    |  For when the One Great Scorer comes
                                |  To mark against your name,
http://david.boxall.id.au       |  He writes-not that you won or lost-
                                |  But how you played the game.
                                                      --Grantland Rice

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