[LINK] 3rd party tracking cookies

Kim Holburn kim at holburn.net
Sat Jun 30 19:16:07 AEST 2012

I use ghostery and request policy among others.  It's amazing just how many trackers some sites are pushing on you.

Unfortunately that kind of secure browser setup doesn't usually work on banking sites or when paying for almost anything online.  Paying online you are often sent to a succession of sites sometimes with frames within frames.  And to do it requires you to turn off your browser security.  Just when you shouldn't have to.


On 2012/Jun/29, at 8:31 PM, stephen at melbpc.org.au wrote:

> Study: 86% of top websites expose visitors to third-party tracking cookies
> By Ellen Messmer (Network World) www.arnnet.com.au 28th June, 2012
> How prevalent is the use of tracking cookies that get planted on your 
> computer after browsing a website so it can keep track of what you're 
> doing? 
> Turns out that not only do the major websites like to plant their own 
> tracking cookies on you, they're also happy to stick a lot of third-party 
> cookies on you, too.
> According to Keynote Systems, an analysis it did of online behavioral 
> tracking on 269 top websites across four industries (news & media, 
> financial services, travel & hospitality, and retail) showed that 86% of 
> the sites place one or more third-party tracking cookies on their 
> visitors.
> Keynote Systems, whose long-time services include performance-monitoring 
> of websites, also says its study shows that 60% of these third-parties 
> had at least one tracker that didn't promise to comply with at least one 
> common tracking standard. 
> Keynote says that of the 211 third-party trackers it identified, "only 
> one committed to honor a visitor's request not to be tracked via the 
> new 'Do Not Track' feature." This gives consumers a way to opt out if 
> being tracked. Keynote says it also checked to figure out if there was 
> a "promise to anonymize data."
> Keynote found that nearly all the websites in the "travel & hospitality" 
> and "news & media" categories have third-party tracking. The "news & 
> media" sites are said to "expose site visitors to an average 14 unique 
> third-party tracking companies during the course of a typical visit." 
> Keynote also adds that it was also "surprising" that three out of four 
> websites in the "financial services" category also "expose visitors to 
> third-party tracking."
> Keynote Systems says the tracking phenomenon is all about advertising and 
> revenues that websites can pull in.
> "Behavioral advertising, a common use of third-party tracking data, is an 
> increasingly common practice on the Web and one of the primary ways 
> websites fund their operations. Third-party trackers place cookies on the 
> browsers of site's visitors to track a user's clicks and path through the 
> Web. They can also make note of things like what the visitor buys and 
> where the visitor goes once they leave."
> Ray Everett, Keynote's director of privacy services, says it all reflects 
> a "'wild West' mentality" and that "aggressive tracking companies" could 
> be placing website publishers in a difficult position and even exposing 
> them to legal risk. But he points out the "burden of policing third-party 
> trackers falls squarely on the shoulders of website publishers" because 
> they are clearly responsible for their content and brand reputation.
> --
> Cheers,
> Stephen
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Kim Holburn
IT Network & Security Consultant
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