[LINK] Smart Cities

Frank O'Connor francisoconnor3 at bigpond.com
Wed Mar 7 11:31:55 AEDT 2012

Mmmm   ...

It's amazing what people will sacrifice for what is portrayed as 'security' and 'well being'

Problem with that state of affairs is that once you've given it away, and an industry/infrastructure is in place to support it, it becomes very difficult to get it back.

Look at 9/11, look at Internet regulation, look at a host of (often manufactured) crises and you'll see self interest, grabs for power, and empire builders there ... assiduously accruing power and resources to themselves and setting up scenarios in which they never have to let go of the power and wealth government and the people have sent their way to deal with what were originally thought of as temporary crises.

Just my 2 cents worth ...
On 07/03/2012, at 8:55 AM, Jan Whitaker wrote:

> At 01:31 AM 7/03/2012, stephen at melbpc.org.au wrote:
>> But still, command centre oversight appears necessary.
>> A better system would be more than a city wide. State-wide is equitable.
> I like that idea much better. Then it would only take 1 major cable 
> cut, or a few to take care of the redundancy, to take it down.
> Better, let's do the whole country. Then we'll all benefit when it breaks.
> I can't believe this is a serious topic! I don't fancy living in a 
> prison, even if we can move around within it. Weren't all the wars 
> pretty much fought to protect us against this sort of scenario?
> Am I over reacting? Drones? Seriously? Is anyone watching Person of 
> Interest and feeling sorta dirty by the end of it?
> Jan
> Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
> jwhit at janwhitaker.com
> blog: http://janwhitaker.com/jansblog/
> business: http://www.janwhitaker.com
> Our truest response to the irrationality of the world is to paint or 
> sing or write, for only in such response do we find truth.
> ~Madeline L'Engle, writer
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