[LINK] 10 tech laws that define our world
Kim Holburn
kim at holburn.net
Thu Mar 8 22:53:24 AEDT 2012
On 2012/Mar/08, at 9:23 PM, Richard Chirgwin wrote:
> Ben - among engineering authorities (eg, Engineers Australia), I believe
> the status of 'software engineer' remains contentious. Someone can
> correct me if I'm wrong there...
I believe they are certified if that's the right word by the IEEE.
> As for project sign-off: no, people can just "finish" their software and
> say goodbye, without a sign-off from someone with engineering accreditation.
I'm sure if lives depend on software (and there are many systems in place where they do) then someone may well require a sign off. Whether that does any better than careful work, I'm not sure. There have been schemes to create provable systems but I'm not sure that's really possible.
> I certainly know about civil engineers and bridges. My brother's last
> sign-off before retirement was the Grand Pacific Drive.
> (Aside: When I discussed the NBN with my brother last year, treating it
> as a civil engineering project, his response: "If you have the chance to
> do it sooner, do it sooner, because it will always cost more if you
> wait. And if you have the chance to build it to last longer, do it,
> because replacing it will be more expensive later."
> The bridge portion of the Grand Pacific Drive is rated, with normal
> maintenance, to last for 70 years. In civil engineering assumptions,
> that means it should probably be good for about 200 years. Although the
> nominal life of the NBN fibre is 30 years, there's no physical reason
> the glass won't last somewhere between 50 and 100 years. In that
> context, I find the political excitement about the cost to be ludicrous.)
> RC
> On 8/03/12 8:10 PM, Ben Elliston wrote:
>> Hi Richard
>> On Thu, Mar 08, 2012 at 08:00:48PM +1100, Richard Chirgwin wrote:
>>> The engineering discipline I grew up with, courtesy of my father and
>>> brother (both civil engineers), is professionally pessimistic. My
>>> father's fave example of his world view: "Pyramids were built by
>>> pessimists. The Tacoma Narrows Bridge was built by an optimist."
>> I recently pointed out to a friend that only civil engineers are
>> allowed to sign off on bridges. I then asked if they could name a
>> single software project that required an engineering qualification and
>> they couldn't. Can you?
>> I attribute the lower salaries enjoyed by software engineers to this
>> fact, BTW. :-)
>> Cheers, Ben
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Kim Holburn
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