[LINK] Categories for a community directory
Jan Whitaker
jwhit at melbpc.org.au
Tue Mar 13 14:14:09 AEDT 2012
At 11:26 AM 13/03/2012, Webb, KerryA wrote:
>It hasn't achieved mass appeal mostly because few Web content
>creators know about it and few people see the point in creating
>extra information for each resource before they publish it.
And I might add that most people who think about discovery rely on
total text indexing instead of metadata designators. Lazy sods. ;-)
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
jwhit at janwhitaker.com
blog: http://janwhitaker.com/jansblog/
business: http://www.janwhitaker.com
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~Madeline L'Engle, writer
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