[LINK] CBA Netbank
Ivan Trundle
ivan at itrundle.com
Mon May 14 06:48:20 AEST 2012
Malcolm, Stephen: can I suggest that you use the online form to let them know? I'm trying to encourage a groundswell of change to something less childish (the irony of making a website more 'senior friendly' is not lost here)
The link is at the top of the page, in 'Contact us', which leads to a link to 'Online enquiry'.
On 14/05/2012, at 1:05 AM, stephen at melbpc.org.au wrote:
> Ivan and Malcolm write,
>>> If there are Netbank users out there who use Internet Explorer
>>> or Firefox in Windows, I'd be keen to hear your thoughts.
>> Yikes, it's awful (IE).
> Agree in IE the Netbank fonts seem ridiculous, to the point of comic.
> A such they appear un-business like and aren't a good look for a bank
> website. I would expect that most folk don't want ANY weirdness there.
> Cheers,
> Stephen
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