[LINK] Craig Thomson

Jan Whitaker jwhit at melbpc.org.au
Tue May 22 10:08:17 AEST 2012

At 08:50 AM 22/05/2012, David Boxall wrote:
>Assuming for a moment that Mr Thomson is the victim of a setup,
>manipulation of ICT systems would have played substantial roles. How
>could that have been achieved?

I found that interesting, too. Spoofing phone numbers, if you really 
want to, can be done. Heck, they could have swapped out sim cards for 
one thing. He just wouldn't have gotten any phone calls on his phone 
and they could divert calls placed to the number on the replaced sim. 
Anyone could do that. No spoofing needed. Until the proper forensics 
are done, no one knows what really happened. That requires more than 
a guy at FWA writing a report.

I thought his biggest hammer was that some of the times the attackers 
say he was at brothels or with call girls he wasn't even in the 
state. And the one about tying him to a particular place he lived 
AFTER the supposed call was another 'oops'.

I watched the speech and he was believable. There are shonky things 
that happen when someone's good thing is threatened and according to 
his speech, there were many people threatened by his attempt to clean 
things up. They were bound to strike back.

Even if this drags out, which it will, I was pleased to see him stand 
up for himself. He has been denied natural justice. Police 
investigate, DPPs prosecute, courts and juries, judge, media and 
oppositions persecute.


Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
jwhit at janwhitaker.com
blog: http://janwhitaker.com/jansblog/
business: http://www.janwhitaker.com

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