[LINK] Craig Thomson

David Boxall david.boxall at hunterlink.net.au
Tue May 22 10:52:01 AEST 2012

On 22/05/2012 10:08 AM, Jan Whitaker wrote:
> ... Police  investigate, DPPs prosecute, courts and
> juries, judge, media and  oppositions persecute.
>  ...
How well put!

The opposition has repeatedly called for Thomson's removal. The 
constitution makes it very difficult to remove a member, and quite 
rightly so. I have reservations about whether a member who has been 
convicted of a criminal offence should be allowed to remain, but the 
constitution allows it under some circumstances.

Making it too easy to remove a member increases the risk of the system 
being gamed. Abbott has done his worst, but the system has proved robust 
enough to resist his efforts. As confidence in major parties erodes, we 
can expect more minority governments. A more easily gamed system is 
unlikely to result in more stable minority governments.

Perhaps it's best left as is.

Gone off-topic. Sorry about that.

David Boxall                    |  Drink no longer water,
                                |  but use a little wine
http://david.boxall.id.au       |  for thy stomach's sake ...
                                |            King James Bible
                                |              1 Timothy 5:23

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