[LINK] Windows XP in business

Ivan Trundle ivan at itrundle.com
Mon May 28 17:40:55 AEST 2012

On 28/05/2012, at 11:33 AM, grove at zeta.org.au wrote:

> On Mon, 28 May 2012, Glen Turner wrote:
>> On 27/05/12 16:38, Ivan Trundle wrote:
>>> There is the human factor: one of the things that some businesses discover is that new staff need to be trained how to use old technology.

> What about going the other way?  For example, from a UNIX web stack to 
> Windows?   Is there any logic to doing this at all?

In terms of recruitment in day-to-day business work (and not IT-based work), employing Gen-X or Gen-Y people who have only used Windows 7 or OS X or iOS is a bit of a challenge when it comes to telling them how to use WInXP. That's really the only point I was making...


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