[LINK] Australian National University Going Mobile

Karl Schaffarczyk karl.schaffarczyk at gmail.com
Tue Nov 27 09:26:17 AEDT 2012

Hi Tom,
ANU going mobile is hardly news - apart from showing that ANU is rather
slow moving in these modern times.

Most other Australian Universities have implemented mobile versions of
their learning platforms quite some time ago.

Equella and Turnitin are both highly controversial pieces of software -
what protections of students' intellectual property and student privacy
have the ANU considered when implementing these solutions?


> Greetings from MoodlePosium 2012 at the the University of Canberra where
> about 200 educators from the tertiary sector are looking at e-learning.
> As first speaker, Professor Marnie Hughes-Warrington, Deputy
> Vice-Chancellor (Academic) at ANU announced that ANU will be introducing
> Blackboard Mobile, with applications designed for accessibility and well
> as use on mobile devices. Also Equella and Turnitin will be introduced.
> (BlackBoard Collaborate is being evaluated). I will be demonstrating my
> ANU on-line green ICT course materials, which are designed for
> accessible and mobile use, at 11:50am.
> Professor Nick Klomp is the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Education) at the
> University of Canberra, then discussed the use of the Mahara e-Portfolio
> tool for students to plan what they wanted to achieve at university. He
> proposed working jointly with other universities to enhance the Mahara
> software, which is open source, to improve it use for universities (I
> will be leading a discussion of this at 4:20pm).
> More at:
> http://blog.tomw.net.au/2012/11/australian-national-university-going.html
> #mpos12

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