[LINK] PMs 4 directions forward - Closing Remarks to the Digital Economy Forum

Marghanita da Cruz marghanita at ramin.com.au
Mon Oct 8 17:41:48 AEDT 2012

> What I’m going to do is point four directions forward, but then I’m going to take away the rest of what we’ve talked about today and we will keep in contact with people in various ways.
> It seems to me two things we should do in the very short term. 
> There is clearly a short term issue about the skills pipeline into ICT. It’s been raised around the room, it’s not something that we can let drift, because when people point to enrolment patterns now in our universities there is a real reason to be concerned, that in the relatively short term we will not have available to us the skills sets we need, the software engineers for example. 
> So I will ask Chris Evans who isn’t with us today, who is the Minister for Skills and Tertiary Education, to meet with a breakout number from this group to really bare down on that question in the relatively short term. 
> Two, I’ve been taken by the conversation about telework, about the changing nature of workplaces, about what that can do for workplace productivity, workplace participation, for the options and choices that working people want. For the shape of our cities and our nation, where people can live, and still do the work that they want to do. 
> Thirdly, we’ve all been talking about the cloud. 

> Fourth, we have been in the process of putting together a Cyber White Paper. T
> here was the discussion about skills and ecosystems and how we leverage all of this to sustain the development of the digital economy and the transformation of our economy generally. The sort of skill settings that requires, the innovation settings that that requires. 

Marghanita da Cruz
Ramin Communications (Sydney)
Website: http://ramin.com.au
Phone:(+612) 0414-869202
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