[LINK] o/t Australian Clinical Trials website
stephen at melbpc.org.au
stephen at melbpc.org.au
Thu Oct 11 17:32:04 AEDT 2012
"New website to help grow Australian clinical trials" - 11th October
A new clinical trials website launched today will make it easier for
consumers to enrol in clinical trials and help grow the numbers of
clinical trials conducted in Australia, Medicines Australia chief
executive Dr Brendan Shaw said today.
Dr Shaw said the Australian Clinical Trials website, launched today by
Health Minister Tanya Plibersek and Industry Minister Greg Combet, will
make it easier for Australians to learn more about participating in
medical trials.
Why be part of a clinical trial?
New interventions that help people to live longer, have less pain or be
free of disability are only possible because of the willingness of people
to participate in clinical trials.
Both healthy participants and those diagnosed with a disease or condition
are needed to help find new ways to diagnose, prevent, treat or cure
disease and disability.
If more people are involved in clinical trials, it may reduce the time it
takes to make new interventions widely available.
By taking part in a clinical trial, you can contribute to the advancement
of scientific knowledge and, in some cases, to improved health for
yourself or others with the same disease or condition.
Why be part of a trial if you are healthy?
Healthy people may choose to participate in order to help others, to
contribute to improved health care or to contribute to the advancement of
scientific knowledge. Sometimes they have a personal interest in the
specific trial or they might have a friend or family member with the
disease or condition.
Like any volunteer work, clinical trials can also be a way to give back
to the community.
Although volunteering to help improve the lives of family, friends or
others is an extraordinary gesture of kindness, potential participants
should think carefully about the demands on their time and the risks and
benefits (if any) before enrolling in a clinical trial.
Why be part of a trial if you have a disease or condition?
Patient participants with a disease or condition may decide to
participate in clinical trials to contribute to better understanding of,
or better treatment or a potential cure for their disease or condition.
In some cases, clinical trials can provide access to new interventions
before they are widely available.
Trials also offer the hope of developing better interventions or tests
for a particular disease or condition, so that even if a trial does not
provide a benefit for an individual, it may provide benefits for others
with the disease in the future.
As a patient participant, even when you receive the highest quality care,
you may also benefit from additional support and attention provided by
clinical trial staff who understand your disease or condition.
"Patients who participate in clinical trials get early, and often free,
access to new treatments which arent widely available to the community
at large."
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