[LINK] iPhone 5 … Problematic

Scott Howard scott at doc.net.au
Sat Sep 15 00:26:53 AEST 2012

On Fri, Sep 14, 2012 at 5:31 AM, Ivan Trundle <ivan at itrundle.com> wrote:

> > So, what you're saying is that since there are no Nano-SIMs available
> for the iPhone 5
> Here's what I was told when I rang Telstra this morning: Link is less
> reliable for this kind of information...
> Nano-SIMS will be available as a replacement to any current SIM free of
> charge at Telstra centres, from 21 September. It is not restricted to any
> phones bought on plans.

Which is exactly what I said 2 days ago, before Frank started selectively
quoting my messages to make it appear I was saying things I wasn't.

*"Whilst they may not actually "sell" Nano-SIMs for prepaid, any official
shop for the relevant telco should be able to give you a replacement SIM -
in any form factor they have - as a replacement for a "non-working"
existing SIM (and not fitting in your phone would certainly qualify as
"non-working"!)  ie, as long as the telco in question is selling iPhone 5's
they you should not have any trouble getting a Nano-SIM card from them for
a pre-paid account"

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