[LINK] ABC embroiled in copyright debate over iview

David Boxall david.boxall at hunterlink.net.au
Thu Sep 20 12:06:04 AEST 2012

For those with limited bandwidth, a sad development.
> The Python-iview application, which had been available for more than two years, allowed people using Android devices not supported by iview, or people with a slow internet connection, to download and playback later, programs offered via the ABC’s iview streaming video application.
> The ABC wrote to application developer Jeremy Visser last month, advising the application breached its iview terms of use, and requesting Mr Visser cease distributing the application or risk further action. The application has since been removed from Mr Visser’s website.

David Boxall                         | "Cheer up" they said.
                                     | "Things could be worse."
http://david.boxall.id.au            | So I cheered up and,
                                     | Sure enough, things got worse.
                                     |              --Murphy's musing

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