[LINK] LOL 'A' phone os update
Frank O'Connor
francisoconnor3 at bigpond.com
Fri Sep 21 08:59:04 AEST 2012
My update went without a hitch, but Apple have some serious problems with the new Maps app. It's broken a number of other apps which depended on (Google) Maps functionality, it has serious detail problems outside the major cities (and I live way outside the major cities), the turn by turn directions are ... flawed, and as I've said before no Street View (which to my mind was one of the nicer features of Google Maps). My problem is that the MetroView map (a third party sucker that I've been using for turn-by-turn directions cos the original Apple/Google maps didn't have that functionality) is currently released in an iteration for which the developers decided to experiment with LSD, Speed and other hard drugs whilst they designed, coded and 'improved' their app .. so it too is less than helpful for my purposes.
I may be forced to invest in another alternative from Navigon, TomTom or the like to get some functionality back - at more expense.
Add to that .. the YouTube replacement (issued by Google) app is currently designed pretty much for phone screens (and not the iPad) ... hopefully Google will rectify this in the near future ... and there have been the odd few glitches in the IOS 6 update process.
On a more cheery note, Siri now works with iPads (even WiFi-only iPads) ... but I turned it off after experimenting with it.
On 20/09/2012, at 8:42 PM, Nicholas English <nik.english at gmail.com> wrote:
> OK So I had to see if I could brick my device, failed that the new OS
> worked.
> One nice feature is I no longer have a web browser Safari has disappered.
> Still to investigate but it is quiet an enhancement. On a side note the I
> don't know if I've got the Apple 'Maps' app yet 'cos it sure looks and
> feels like the Google one that was there.
> Recalls something about glass hosues and patents for unbreakable glass of
> was that glass patents with unbreakable houses, I'm easily confused :)
> Nicholas English
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