[LINK] "All credit card PIN numbers in the world leaked"

Kim Holburn kim at holburn.net
Tue Sep 25 19:55:45 AEST 2012

The article is not really about PIN numbers.  The analysis is about passwords.  In Australia and other places banks give you a PIN.  I don't think you get to change it and even if you did, most people wouldn't.  In Australia you get given a four number PIN, in another country I've lived it's 5.  Most of the analysis is based on people choosing a password/PIN so it's just not relevant.

On 2012/Sep/25, at 12:13 AM, Andy Farkas wrote:

>  http://www.datagenetics.com/blog/september32012/
> Warning: lots of graphs and plots you could look at all day.
> -andyf
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Kim Holburn
IT Network & Security Consultant
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