[LINK] Real Reality

grove at zeta.org.au grove at zeta.org.au
Mon Feb 4 15:07:00 AEDT 2013

On Mon, 4 Feb 2013, Jim Birch wrote:

> ... and the business model is?

I do not want my Auspost business model to look like this:

1) Ordered 2 items online, a 1943 book on NSW orchids and an SSD for my Mac Pro.
2) Both items arrived on the same day.
3) The book was left leaning up against the wall
4) The SSD was "carded" with no attempt by the delivery person (they are not a "postie")
to knock on the door or ring on the bell.

I was not quite fast enough to get downstairs when I realised there was activity 
at my front door.   He just carded me and shot through.

Now this could be one of those "first world" problems we keep hearing about,
but my gut feeling is that is what is causing the most ire with dealings with Auspost.

I cannot understand why I couldn't just get my SSD there and then, had the guy
taken a few seconds to knock on the door, I would've been ready for him.

Now I have this problem that I know will manifest:

The card is at home with my partner, who was going to collect it but when he 
got to the PO was told the item was out with the courier and not back till 16:00.

I have printed off the tracking email I got that says my item is delivered 
and now have to detour if I can get there in time, hoping they will accept 
my printout as authentic proof I am who I say I am!

It seems Auspost has this strange business issue, where traditional letters and 
mail are dropping off, but parcel deliveries thanks to online business are ramping 
up. But they are working off a 20th century playbook that ignores the fact that 
most people these days are time poor but want their deliveries ASAP.  I know Auspost
has done some sort of pickup option, oftne this is not practical, especially if like
myself you are not in possession of an automobile.  And just carding the door without 
knocking or ringing the supplied door buzzer is just annoying and lazy....

Anyway, mostly happy with Auspost except when I am waiting for a delivery I know 
could be done a lot more efficiently....


Rachel Polanskis                 Kingswood, Greater Western Sydney, Australia
grove at zeta.org.au                http://www.zeta.org.au/~grove/grove.html
 	The more an answer costs, the more respect it carries.

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