[LINK] Real Reality

stephen at melbpc.org.au stephen at melbpc.org.au
Mon Feb 4 21:05:41 AEDT 2013

Kim writes,

> They are happy to collect data about you and disclose it to other
> companies.

The local Postmaster said today that she thinks it will be a sender-pays
(stamp-buyer-pays) business model, with major letter-senders contracting
for reliable (no full-inbox bouncing, etc) customer email addresses. But
who knows? Though, regarding Australia Post, it seems a tad late for FUD.


> Oh and you get 1GB free storage.
> On 2013/Feb/04, at 1:37 PM, stephen at melbpc.org.au wrote:
> > https://digitalmailbox.auspost.com.au/
> >
> > Introducing your digital mailbox ..
i> tal_MailBox_Service.pdf
> > 	• 1.2  We reserve the right to amend these Terms at any time. It 
yo> ur responsibility to check the Website regularly for updated versions 
th> e Terms. Your continued use of the Digital Mailbox Service following 
po> sting or notification of changes will mean you accept and agree to the
chan> ges.
> https://digitalmailbox.auspost.com.au/pdf/Privacy_Policy_APDM.pdf
> > 3.1 Collection of Personal Information
> >
> > We may collect personal information in a number of ways including when
yo> u visit our website (http://digitalmailbox.auspost.com.au) 
reg> ister for our products and services, use our products and services,
partici> pate in online promotions, provide us with feedback, complete 
survey> s or communicate with us via email.
> >
> > We collect this information for the purpose of providing our product 
> services to you and for the purpose of enhancing our ability to improve
ser> vice delivery to you and other customers in the future. The 
wil> l be used to analyse product usage, deliver new or enhanced 
o> r services to you, send you administrative notices, alerts and
communicatio> ns relevant to the digital mailbox service, for 
troubleshooting and for
det> ecting and protecting against error, fraud or other criminal 
activity. We
w> ill not sell or rent your Personal Information at any time.
> >
> > Examples of what personal information we may collect:
> >
> > • personal information such as name, mailing address, email,
notificati> on preferences and transactional information such as your 
credit card
numbe> r – to enable you to receive communications directly from your 
> providers and enable you to make payments to providers;
> > 	• usage information such as where and when you use your computer 
m> obile devices – to assist us in the provision of security services;
> >
> > 	• tracking information about your visit which is sourced from the
brow> ser or application on your computer or mobile device, including IP
address,>  cookies and the pages you request — to analyse trends, 
administer the
si> te, track your navigation of the site, and gather broad demographic
informa> tion for aggregate use (note that IP addresses are not linked to
“persona> lly identifiable information”); and
> >
> > 	• aggregate information sourced from multiple users without
personally>  identifying individuals, such as geographic region, which we 
may share
wit> h our business partners — to improve understanding of customer needs 
> provide relevant services.
> > Technologies Used for Collection
> >
> > Personal information can be collected in various ways, including:
> >
> > 	• (a)  Cookies
> >
> > When you visit the Website or use our products and services, you 
b> e aware that a short text file known as a "cookie" may be stored on 
ha> rd drive. These cookies do not collect or track any personal data or
inform> ation about you but are used by us to monitor and review Website 
usage so
t> hat we can improve our services and the functionality of the Website in
fut> ure. We will not use cookies or other tracking data to circulate
advertisin> g or promotional material. You can adjust your internet 
browser to disable
> cookies but this may affect our ability, and the ability of other third
par> ties engaged by us, to provide you with all the products and 
services we
of> fer via our Website.
> >
> > 	• (b)  Click Stream Data
> >
> > "Click stream data" is information which is information derived from 
a> nalysis of your website activity based on the sequence of links which 
c> lick on while browsing our Website. When you visit the Website or use 
p> roducts and services, we will collect this information for analysis,
mainte> nance or reporting purposes and to improve the performance of our 
> This can include information such as your IP address, the duration of 
> visit and the date and time of your visit.
> >
> > 	• (c)  Web Beacons
> >
> > "Web beacons" are images that are used to track your activities. We 
u> se web beacons to collect your personal information. You can adjust 
in> ternet browser to disable web beacons by turning off cookies but, 
th> is may affect our ability, and the ability of third parties engaged 
by us,
> to provide you with all the services we offer via the Website.
> >
> > In addition to using your personal information for the purposes
otherwise>  set out in this Privacy Policy, we may use that information 
for related
pu> rposes (to the extent permitted by the National Privacy Principles)
includi> ng the following.
> >
> > 4.
> >
> > (a) Third party service providers
> >
> > In certain circumstances we may make personal information available to
st> rategic partners who work with us in delivering products and services 
yo> u. This may include, for example, third parties who facilitate the 
use of
o> ur products and services by providing payment facilities.
> >
> > We will also share your personal information with organisations which
ass> ist us with our analysis, research, mail and delivery, auditing,
consulting> , security, maintenance, platform hosting or other technology 
> >
> > We may also send you administrative notices, alerts and communications
to>  assist in trouble shooting and detecting and protecting against 
fra> ud and criminal activity.
> >
> > Personal information will only be shared by us to provide or improve 
> product or services to support you; it will not be shared with third
partie> s for their direct marketing purposes. We will take reasonable 
steps to
ens> ure that if personal information is made available to a third party 
in the
> above circumstances, the third party undertakes to protect that
information>  from unauthorised disclosure and to generally handle the 
information in a
> manner consistent with this Privacy Policy.
> >
> > 	• (b)  Occasional contact about new functionality
> >
> > We will contact you periodically, as a condition of your use of our
produ> cts and service, to advise you of new or enhanced functionality 
which is
av> ailable in connection with our products and service. You will not be
oblige> d to adopt any such functionality. Please note that such 
fro> m us are an integral part of the service we offer and are not 
intended to
c> onstitute "direct marketing".
> >
> > 	• (c)  Disclosure to related companies
> >
> > We may disclose personal information we collect from you with our
related>  bodies corporate to assist us in providing our products and 
services, or
t> o delivery new or enhanced functionality, products or services to you.
> >
> > 	• (d)  Analysing customer needs and personalising content
> >
> > We may aggregate your personal information with the personal 
> of other users for the purposes of:
> >
> > 		• (i)  de-personalised analysis to help us better 
understand the
need> s of our customers so that we and third parties can better deliver
products>  and services to you;
> >
> > 		• (ii)  providing content (including third party 
content) that is
tai> lored to what we believe are your areas of interest; and
> >
> > 		• (iii)  analysing your product and services usage to 
improve your
ex> perience and to enable us to deliver new or enhanced functionality to 
> --
> Kim Holburn
> IT Network & Security Consultant
> T: +61 2 61402408  M: +61 404072753
> mailto:kim at holburn.net  aim://kimholburn
> skype://kholburn - PGP Public Key on request
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